Friday, October 28, 2011

Our Plan for Giving Back

Budgets are tight.  Expenses are up. Income is down.  Even those who have seen economic improvement are cautious in their spending these days.  The holidays are fast approaching and during this time we see an increased opportunity for giving. 
I have been blessed with a child who wants to give every time we pass a mitten tree, a red kettle or a food bank.  She gives as we all want to give, selflessly and freely.  However, in order to stay within our giving needs, our family sits down together and we list the different opportunities we have to give back:  we may choose one family from our church as part of an Adopt-A-Family program for the holidays, we could give one large monetary donation at the Salvation Army, or we might purchase a special bag of groceries to take to the schools for our food drive.  We then decide to pick one or prioritize our funds and do all three!  This focus helps us to concentrate on our values and our abilities.
I come to you today with Novi Middle School’s Plan for Giving.  In presenting this plan to you, we hope your family will feel empowered to focus your efforts and resources where you feel they reflect your family’s values and honor your ability to give back.  Some families will participate a little in each area; some will put all their resources in one particular direction.  Others may choose not to participate this year or may choose to look in another direction.  We understand and support whatever your decision!
November 1 – 18:  Bridgepointe Collection.  The Novi Community School District partners with Logan Elementary School in Detroit.  We are collecting children’s white gym socks, whole bars of soap, and full size bottles of children’s shampoo.  These items can be sent in with our students and dropped into the collection boxes in each team.
November 9 – 16.  Muscular Dystrophy Association – “Principal Goes to Jail!”  Students can participate in a “change/penny war” to either send the building principal to “jail” or to keep her out of jail in participation with the MDA.  Depending on the winner, Ms. Schriner may or may not be taken to “jail”, not to be released until her bond is posted!  Novi Middle School will sponsor an online collection as well.  This is all in good fun and for a good cause.
December 5 – January 16.  Operation Can-Do.  The Novi Community School District partners with local and state food banks to collect canned and boxed food items for distribution.  We will host a friendly competition within the building and against other NCSD schools to provide for those in need.
Thank you so much for any consideration you can give to these efforts, knowing that helping our students see the value of giving is truly a gift indeed.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Technology Working For All of Us

Beginning Thursday, October 20, 2011, Novi Middle School is piloting an automated calling system for students who are unexcused and absent from school.  This move will not only allow our office staff to do other, much-needed work, it can also be used in the event of a school or district emergency.  You can help in three ways:
  • Be sure your child is at school each day.  While we do not want students to be at school if they are sick, being present is a crucial component of their education.  The high-level work that is happening in our classrooms each day cannot be duplicated with worksheets and make-up work.
  • Call the absence line if your child is ill.  Please call 248-449-1601 if your child is sick. 
  • Contact the Attendance Office if your phone number changes and/or you are not recieving calls at your primary number.  We are only as good as the information we have on file.
  • Be sure your child is on-time each day.  Attendance is taken at 7:45.  Students who are walking into school at 7:45 are tardy.  They must be in their seats and ready to begin their academic day by 7:45.  If your child is late, he or she must sign in at the Attendance Office.  Taking the bus whenever possible is a sure way your child is on-time every day.
Thank you for your patience as we work with the new technology.  We are confident and we believe this will help Novi Middle School be an even better place to learn!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Working Together

Middle school parent/teacher conferences have the same purpose as those at elementary and high school—a face-to-face opportunity for teacher and parent regarding the progress and potential of a child.  Three to five minutes does not seem like nearly enough time to cover the educational, social, and emotional growth of a child and I don’t imagine that teacher or parent believes it can be done in that time.  This is a check point, a marked opportunity, to touch base and open or strengthen the lines of communication. 
MS Conference Basics:  October 25th & 27th from 5 - 8 p.m.
1.       In an effort to keep numbers balanced, we ask that parents of students with last names A - K attend on Tuesday, October 25th and those from L – Z attend on Thursday, October 27th.  Of course this is only a guideline and those with conflicts are welcome to attend the alternate evening.
2.       Your child’s schedule is available in the following ways: 
a.       a copy will be sent home the Monday before conferences or
b.      parents can print their child’s schedule using the Parent Connect access through Zangle.
3.       Maps and teacher/classroom lists will be available for your reference. 
4.       MS conferences do not meet by appointment.  Teachers are located in their classroom.  Parents report and, if necessary, can have a seat in “line” until the teacher is available for the next conference. 
5.       The conferences are intended to be brief.  The teacher will give a short summary of the student’s progress, highlighting strengths and weaknesses noted to date.
6.       If further conversation is necessary, make an appointment to speak at a convenient time for parents and teacher to address concerns and strategize with the child.
7.       Move on to the next teacher!
Counselors, social workers, caseload teachers and other resources are also on hand for brief conferences.  We look forward to seeing you then!

Err on the Side of Caution

Today’s rainstorm reminded me of the conversation I had with the Parent/Teacher Organization…. They raised the concern that the pick up/drop off area in front of the school gets extremely congested when the weather is bad.  I have asked many a teen-age driver to slow down in our parking lot; I ask that of our parents as well.  We are all so busy but the thought of an accident in our lot takes my breath away. 
The following suggestions are made with the idea that we must all be mindful of the safety of our students, parents, and staff when traveling in the parking lot in any weather. 
1.       Students should only exit the vehicle onto the sidewalk, not into the parking lot.  This may mean circling the lot into traffic but students darting between cars are braver than they should be and difficult to see.
2.       In order to keep traffic running smoothly, parents are asked to pull as far up the sidewalk as possible (such as the corner of the gymnasium) and let the students out.  I understand that our students are our most precious cargo but they can likely weather a few drops of rain.
3.       Plan ahead – have instruments, backpacks, and other items in hand, not in the trunk of the vehicle, so that exit is quick.  If you are lucky enough to have a “tween” that will still kiss you good-bye, well, more power to you – we simply hope that they are quick!
Thank you for considering these requests as your children are our purpose and we want them to be safe.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Counseling Office Message: Welcome New 8th Graders!

36 new 8th grade students (23 male, 13 female) completed a new student survey last week during lunch meetings with their counselor, Mrs. Mills.  The data once again proves what a welcoming school community we have at Novi Middle School. 
100% of the students reported feeling safe in our building, and 100% said they are happy on their teams.   They reported no bus issues and said they managed to find their classes without getting lost. 
While interviewing one another the new students mentioned they missed their friends but liked their teachers at Novi Middle School.  All but one student reported having a friend to eat lunch with everyday. 
We continue to strive to welcome new students and make Novi Middle School a great place to learn.

Friday, September 16, 2011

General Information, Resources and Other Opportunties

We hope you find the following information useful.  For your convenience, we will be sure to have this information on the webpage as well.

Novi Middle School General Information
Novi Middle School Office Hours
The Novi Middle School Main Office is open Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. During the school year, if you wish to reach a teacher during their conference hour please call the Main Office at 248-449-1600.

2011-2012 School Calendar
For upcoming activities, please refer to the new District Middle School calendar that allows you to mouse over a date and see the time and location for events that day.  Found on the webpage for the District, as well as on each of the building webpages, you can click on any day in the calendar and the entire month opens for you to view.  One tip:  if you enter the calendar from the District webpage, you get the district events.  If you enter the calendar from the Novi Middle School page, you get the middle school events. 

Free and Reduced Price Lunch
Applications for free and reduced price lunch are available on the Novi Community School District website at Under the District tab select Food Service and in the Links column you will find directions along with the application. Paper copies are also available in the Main Office or Counseling Office at the middle school.

Athletic Physicals for 2011-12
Physical exams (dated after April 15, 2011) are required and must be on file in the athletics office for anyone wishing to try out and participate in school sports for the 2011-12 school year. Physical examination forms are available online on the athletics webpage under documents and forms or at the middle school in the Main Office.

Information Resources
General Information
The district website ( is a great place to start to search for information. The District homepage will highlight the most current events, news, school closings and upcoming dates. Select Novi Middle School from the Schools tab on the green bar at the top and the middle school homepage opens up.  The right hand column has links that will take you to a plethora of valuable information.  This resource provides a basis for all district and building contacts and documents. 

Zangle-Parent/Student Connect
Zangle-Parent/Student Connect is a tool that allows parents and students to check current grades and attendance at any time of the day or night. Found under Links on the middle school homepage, parents can click on Zangle-Parent Connect and enter their pin with their password to access information. If you have forgotten your pin or password, you can click on “Need your login information?”, enter an email address that is unique to you and the information will be sent to that email address. The email address cannot be a shared account. Students may view the same information using Zangle-Student Connect and entering their student identification number and password. If you encounter any problems, please call 248-449-1609 and ask for Tanya Vuichard for assistance.

Facebook and Twitter
Novi Middle School has a Facebook fan page (Novi Middle School) and a Twitter account (@novi_ms). The Facebook page is an announcement/informational fan page and allows kids and adults immediate access to day-to-day school information. The Twitter account is fed from the Facebook account so all announcements will be “pushed” from Facebook. You may access both Facebook and Twitter from the District webpage under Social Media.

Other Opportunities
Health Insurance for Children - MIChild/Healthy Kids
MIChild is a health insurance program for uninsured children of Michigan’s families. Many HMO’s and other health care plans throughout Michigan provide MIChild services. You can find out if you qualify by completing the online application at or calling 1-888-988-6300 for assistance. There are brochures containing additional information available in the Counseling Office at the middle school.

Free Lecture Series - Teens Using Drugs: What To Know and What To Do
"Teens Using Drugs: What To Know and What To Do" is a FREE, ongoing, two-part lecture series on identifying and helping teens who may be harmfully involved with alcohol/other drugs. It is designed to provide education on how to understand, identify and address adolescent alcohol/other drug use and problems.

The programs are presented at the Saint Joseph Mercy Health System Education Center, 5305 Elliott Drive, Ypsilanti. They are held from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the1st (Part1) and 2nd (Part2) Tuesday evenings of October, November and January through June. Please refer to the website, , for confirmation of dates and additional information. Please phone 734-973-7892 or email, with any questions. All presentations are free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

Monday, September 12, 2011

You're Invited to Curriculum Night 2011!

I remember my first Open House with my kindergarten-aged son.  He held my hand as we went into the classroom and every thought for that half hour was about getting him acclimated to the classroom and teacher.  How different the middle school is from the elementary school!  Rather than that casual “meet and greet” atmosphere, Curriculum Night is set up to move parents from class to class to hear the description of each course and see a brief outline of the curriculum that will be covered through the year.  When it was my turn to attend Curriculum Night, my son completed the schedule sheet for me to follow as I passed from class to class.  He giggled to himself as he told me to, “Hurry from gym; it’s a long walk to get to world language,” and warned me not to be tardy.  Imagine my chagrin when I found myself rushing to class after stopping to greet a friend in the hall that evening!
Novi Middle School will host Curriculum Night for parents this Thursday, September 15th from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.  On Thursday, your child will bring home a brief invitation along with a building map and a copy of his/her daily schedule.  Parents will report directly to their children’s first period class at 6:30 p.m. and will follow a schedule of ten minute classes with five minutes passing time between each class.  This will give parents first-hand experience in traveling the building and meeting teachers. 
Please note that teachers will give information to the entire class of parents and will not be able to discuss individual students.  If you have concerns that you would like to discuss with a teacher or the team, please make an appointment with them to meet or talk on the phone.  Another avenue to discuss concerns is to send a personal email to the teacher(s).      
During your child’s seventh period class, you will receive your Parent Connect PIN and password for Zangle/MIStar.  This unique parent login can be used to access your child’s attendance, academic progress and class information.  Your login will be different than your child’s as their access to the program is different than yours.  Directions will be provided along with your login information. Our recommendation is to login and then personalize your password; make a note of the change for future reference.  If you have questions regarding the use of Zangle/MIStar, contact your child’s counselor who can help you navigate the system.  
We look forward to seeing you this Thursday and hope that the evening goes smoothly for you! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Starting the Year with a New Perspective

A fresh start.  A clean slate.  A new day.  The terms I hear from teens regarding this chance are “do-over” or “re-do”.  Each of these statements evoke that hopeful feeling of new opportunity with all the mistakes and questions of the past erased.  A new school year brings about these feelings for “kids” of all ages from the youngest in pre-school to the most experienced teacher and parent. 

From a student’s perspective, looking at this year as a “re-do” might be the opportunity to establish a new perspective – achieve better grades, try out a new peer group, or simply shed bad behavior in favor of positive.  Other students may simply focus on improving a good thing – maintaining a high GPA, strengthening their leadership skills, or contributing to a cause behind the scenes.  Either way, students are looking to put into practice the lessons from the mistakes of the past and garnish the success that only experience and a new perspective can bring.

Regardless of his/her vision, your child might not share these thoughts with you outright.  You may need to listen for cues such as, “This year I’m going to try…” or “I need a new lunch table…”  Other children might not envision the need for change, so you might initiate the conversation regarding goals for the year.  You might ask, “What do you hope to have as a memory at the end of 7th/8th grade?” or “If you look back at the yearbook next year, where do you hope your picture(s) will be?”

Take the opportunity to help your child brainstorm strategies for success, keeping in mind that his/her course of action might be slightly different from your own but still accomplish the desired outcome.  As parents, it is hard to see our children take risks regarding their goals.  We love them as they are and want so much for them.  I have said to my own children, “If you would just do what I tell you…” but have found that they are most successful when they recognize the need for change and select the course on their own terms.  Help your children see the small steps toward the big goal (keeping track of homework in the planner for improved grades or being confident enough to stop and scan the cafeteria to look for a new table option each day that first week) and know that positive change takes time to evolve into good habits.

In an article we shared with the teachers, Thomas Guskey challenges teachers to set students up for success the first weeks of school.  He suggests that students identify their achievement level with early assessments of their performance.  We have asked teachers to strive for a positive and successful first experience for each student in the classroom but know that they can only do so much to set up a positive “re-do”.  You can find this article at

We challenge you to see this school year as your child’s fresh start—his or her chance at a “re-do.”  Support your child as he/she takes a chance to try something new.  Help him/her establish and maintain habits that lead to a year of success academically, socially, and behaviorally.  Instead of reminding your child about what you have always seen, help him/her develop the vision to experience success this year.  We will be right beside you along the way.  

Welcome to Novi Middle School; we wish you and your child the very best!

Welcome to the NMS Newsblog!

Communication is paramount in the middle school world and we, as educators and parents, need every advantage to keep just one step ahead of our students!  Rather than a traditional newsletter, our plan is to address those "big ticket" items of the school year here at the NMS Newsblog.  You may find a brief letter from administration or staff, an explanation of upcoming events, or a public service announcement related to the school or school district.  We will try to post regularly, but not systematically, and hope that you will find the items relevant, newsworthy, or simply entertaining.

Happy reading!