Budgets are tight. Expenses are up. Income is down. Even those who have seen economic improvement are cautious in their spending these days. The holidays are fast approaching and during this time we see an increased opportunity for giving.
I have been blessed with a child who wants to give every time we pass a mitten tree, a red kettle or a food bank. She gives as we all want to give, selflessly and freely. However, in order to stay within our giving needs, our family sits down together and we list the different opportunities we have to give back: we may choose one family from our church as part of an Adopt-A-Family program for the holidays, we could give one large monetary donation at the Salvation Army, or we might purchase a special bag of groceries to take to the schools for our food drive. We then decide to pick one or prioritize our funds and do all three! This focus helps us to concentrate on our values and our abilities.
I come to you today with Novi Middle School’s Plan for Giving. In presenting this plan to you, we hope your family will feel empowered to focus your efforts and resources where you feel they reflect your family’s values and honor your ability to give back. Some families will participate a little in each area; some will put all their resources in one particular direction. Others may choose not to participate this year or may choose to look in another direction. We understand and support whatever your decision!
November 1 – 18: Bridgepointe Collection. The Novi Community School District partners with Logan Elementary School in Detroit. We are collecting children’s white gym socks, whole bars of soap, and full size bottles of children’s shampoo. These items can be sent in with our students and dropped into the collection boxes in each team.
November 9 – 16. Muscular Dystrophy Association – “Principal Goes to Jail!” Students can participate in a “change/penny war” to either send the building principal to “jail” or to keep her out of jail in participation with the MDA. Depending on the winner, Ms. Schriner may or may not be taken to “jail”, not to be released until her bond is posted! Novi Middle School will sponsor an online collection as well. This is all in good fun and for a good cause.
December 5 – January 16. Operation Can-Do. The Novi Community School District partners with local and state food banks to collect canned and boxed food items for distribution. We will host a friendly competition within the building and against other NCSD schools to provide for those in need.
Thank you so much for any consideration you can give to these efforts, knowing that helping our students see the value of giving is truly a gift indeed.
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